Monday, November 10, 2008

Today was the big day.  After waiting all day we finally headed to get Karen's 3d/4d ultrasound and it sure was worth the wait. When we arrived at the doctors office I didn't know what to expect, once we went inside the room and the technician turned the lights off I knew I was in for a ride.
It all started with a regular ultrasound (the typical black and white kind where you can never tell what is what). A few seconds later there she was!!!!! Miss Blakely was on the screen sleeping like a little angel. As the lady kept messing with Karen's belly to make Blakely move I started to cry, luckily the lights were off and no one was paying attention to me. She is a beautiful little thing curled up in there, no wonder she has been kicking alot, she is asking for more room. After all I wouldnt want to have my foot close to my head at all times. 
Can babies cry inside the belly? According to the lady, they can. They have feelings and pretty much do everything from throwing a temper tantrum (which we saw blakely do) to adopt a personality (which she has).  
Blakely is due on january 16, will she make it till then? we shall wait and see......

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